Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I can finally say that I'm addicted to Scandal. I've been trying to get into a TV series that was interesting and always kept me guessing on what was going to happen next. So my sisters suggested Scandal to me. This past Monday we got hit with about 10 inches of snow, and my office was closed for the day; so I watched one episode of Scandal and now I'm hooked. 

This TV series has politics, corruption, crime, lawyers, police, betrayal, love, lust, friendship and trusting your gut. Being a Criminal Justice major in college, this show is right up my ally. I love this show. I'm already on season two on Netflix. The addiction has gotten pretty bad. I watch the show while I'm on the elliptical at the gym, I stay up late to watch the show and come into work so tired from being up so late but I don't mind it. I'm hoping to start season 3 by late this week and early next week. I love this show. The cast of the show is amazing! Kerry Washington, Columbus Short, Darby Stanchfield, Katie Lowes, Gullermo Diaz, Tony Goldwyn and the rest of the cast is just AMAZING! 

I promise if your looking for a good show to get addicted too. This is that show. You will be hooked as soon as the first episode is over. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

40 Promises For Marriage

When Matt and I went down to South Carolina to visit one of our best friends, Anthony. We went to Hyman's Seafood Restaurant and Anthony got this card titled "40 Promises for Marriage" for us. I look at this card everyday because I think that it has some powerful messages that are such a good reminder to anyone who is engaged, married or having troubles in their marriage. The 40 Promises for Marriage are: 

  1. Start each day with a kiss
  2. Wear your wedding day at all times
  3. Date once a week
  4. Accept differences
  5. Be polite
  6. Give gifts
  7. Smile often
  8. Touch
  9. Give back rubs
  10. Laugh together
  11. Send a card for no reason
  12. Do what the other person wants before he or she asks
  13. Listen
  14. Encourage
  15. Know his or her needs
  16. Fix the other person's breakfast
  17. Compliment twice a day
  18. Call during the day
  19. Slow down
  20. Hold hands
  21. Cuddle
  22. Ask for other's opinion
  23. Show respect
  24. Look your best
  25. Celebrate birthdays in a big way
  26. Apologize 
  27. Forgive
  28. Set up a romantic getaway
  29. Be positive
  30. Be kind
  31. Be vulnerable 
  32. Respond quickly to the other person's request
  33. Reminisce about your favorite times together
  34. Treat each other's friends and relatives with courtesy
  35. Send flowers eve Valentine's Day and anniversary
  36. Admit when wrong
  37. Be sensitive to each other's sexual desires
  38. Pray for each other daily
  39. Say "I love you" frequently
  40. Seek outside help when needed. 
This is such a wonderful reminder on why we love our significant other. I am a lucky girl to have such a wonderful fiancĂ© in my life. I hope everyone finds that special person in their lives and cherishes each day with them. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day

Since we got a few inches of snow last night, my work was closed and I was able to work from home for a few hours and catch up on some of my TV shows that I have missed last week, and to share some exciting news. 

First, I'm currently catching up with my TV shows. I just finished the Big Bang Theory and Two and Half Men, now I'm watching the Voice and I'm going to watch the Bachelor (I love this show because I can yell at all the girls who are so ratchet and out of control on the show.) But now on to the good news! So Friday, Matt and I went out for drinks with an old high school friend of ours, who introduced us. We had a falling out during college but I guess everyone wanted to make amends and move forward. She gave Matt and I one of the greatest engagement gifts that we could ask for. She gave us her father's DJ card and said that if we use him for our DJ at our wedding, that her family would pay for it. So it would be free for us. Which is a wonderful and thoughtful gift. We will definitely be looking into this. 

On Saturday, Matt and I went to check out a vendor that we were looking for our reception area. We went to Chartwell Golf and Country Club to look at the grounds and to meet our coordinator, Cati. After seeing the ballroom and some of the grounds, we were hooked. Matt and I looked at each other and we just knew that we had to book or at least try to get our name down on the date that we wanted. Cati was able to pencil us down for our date. We are penciled in for September 17, 2016. Which is super exciting!! I thought it was so funny because Matt was involved in the entire time and he was asking Cati if we could have the tables set up this way and if we could all this stuff. Matt should have been a wedding planner because he is just so involved right now. He keeps sending me table number ideas, save the dates, and wedding invitation ideas that we could use. We are both really exciting to get started on this wedding journey.

On Sunday morning, Matt and I went to get order his tux for his brother's wedding and while we are in there Matt found a gray tux that he fell in love with. I'm thinking Matt might buy that tux for our wedding. He is so funny. We then went to Arundel Mills Mall to walk around and check out some of the stores. We had fun just spending time together. Its always great to just be in each other's company. Then I sent my pastor a message on Facebook, so we could get some information on what we will need to do before booking our wedding at the church. I was surprised to know that the only thing we need to do is the premarital classes which can take between 5-6 weeks. I'm excited but I'm nervous at the same time because I don't know what to expect in these classes. Its kind of like trying to figuring out what to expect in your first college class. You just don't know what to expect. I wish there was an agenda that I could look at so I could prepare myself for these classes. Ahhhh!!!!!!! Excitment! Confusion! Stress!