Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Earlier today, I was on Facebook and I saw that Laura of The Life We've Imagined, nominated me for a Liebster Award. I am really touched that Laura nominated me for this award because I haven't been blogging for a while and have been in the dark in the blogging world. I really appreciate the nomination from the sweetest person I know. So let's get to the questions: 

1. If you had to choose one blogger out there who has really inspired you, who would it be?

I think the one blogger that inspired me to join the blogging world would be, Laura. I remember sitting at work with nothing to do and I would get on Facebook and see Laura posted something on her blog and I would read it and comment on it all the time. I decided to get blog when I was coming back from South Carolina and was talking to my fiancé and he really pushed me to join blogging. Blogging to me is helping me with my stress; by writing my thoughts and emotions down and getting them off my chest I’m able to let go of my stress.

2. Do you have a favorite place to visit in the summer time?
My favorite place to visit in the summer time is probably my aunt Sharon and uncle butch’s house in Bel Air. It’s so nice to just relax up there by the pool with a drink in my hand and grilled veggies on my plate. Matt and I both really enjoy hanging out with family.

3. Have you ever lived in a different country? If not, where would you move if you could?
I haven’t lived in a different country, but I have traveled to several countries before. I’ve been to Spain, England and South Africa. Out of all the countries I have visited I would say that if I could move to one of these countries it would probably be South Africa. I loved it there.  People they’re super friendly and always want to learn about our culture, while I’m trying to learn their culture. I would love to learn one of their twenty-seven different languages.

4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Well very girl wants to grow up to be a princess, so of course, I definitely wanted to be a princess. Life would be great. Honestly, I don’t know what I still want to be when I grow up, and I’m almost 24. But if I could get the job of my dreams it would be social worker specializing in helping children of domestic violence/abuse.

5. Has blogging turned out to be all that you expected? What are your favorite and not so favorite things about it?

For me blogging is has been great, for the times that I've actually kept up with it. But I feel that blogging is definitely a way for me to relieve stress and to get thoughts/ideas off of my mind and just to put it out there and not be judged. It’s kind of like a private diary, only online. My favorite thing about blogging is reading other bloggers thoughts and ideas. My not so favorite thing about blogging would be trying to keep up with it. I need a notification or a reminder to blog daily.

6. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
Keep your head up. Everything works out in the end. Don’t lose faith. Keep working hard and the rewards will be endless.

7. What's the story behind your blog name?
My blogger name is “Journey of Our Love” and this blog is about my fiancé and I and our journey.  A journey is a winding road and we both are committed to each other on this road. The journey starts from the day we met till the day we will say “I Do”, and wherever life takes us. We are both very excited to start this journey together.

8. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have one cat, Mittens. But my sister Autumn has one cat that lives with us, Squeakers and another cat that she takes with her back to school, Jack. Mittens and Squeakers were litter mates and we found them they were only a few days old. I still remember when we first found them. Mittens was half of pound and squeakers was 1 pound. They were so cute!

9. What is your favorite type of post to write and why?
I really enjoy writing about motivational things that help me to keep going each day. If I see a quote or a picture on tumbler or on Pinterest that I think has meaning behind it I will take a picture of it and just reflect on it. I love seeing the responses from my blog followers and all the positive comments about my post.

10. If you had a super power what would that be?
My super power would probably be the power to flight. I think that would be awesome to just wake up in the morning and fly to Tropical Island for the day or going hiking in the mountains. I think it would be fun. Plus you save a ton on gas, which helps the earth.

11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Well 5 years from now I will be 29 and I see myself married to my best friend and travelling the world. I hope to have a better job by then and living in our “dream house”. Maybe talking about starting a family at the end of the year or something. I definitely do not want to rush into starting a family because you never know what life will throw at you and you don’t want to start taking on more responsibilities than you already have. Probably get a pet (if it’s in the budget), and just enjoy married life. 

My nominees: 

1. Alicia, The Finding Years
2. Laura, The Life We've Imagined

Their questions:

  1. If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?
  2. What are three words you would use to describe the last three months of your life?
  3. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
  4. Who do you admire and why?
  5. If happiness were a currency, how rich do you think you are?
  6. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
  7. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Seeing Our First House

I have not been very good about keeping up with this blog, but I do have some exciting news. Matt and I will be seeing our first house today after work. We are both very excited about seeing this house. Matt and I are always looking at houses and this house really caught our attention.

I cannot wait to start this amazing journey with Matt. Here's to wishing everything goes well. :)

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Frozen Workout

I saw this post and I had to repost it. I love the movie Frozen so the next time I watch the movie, I'm going to try this workout!!

Be Happy.

On my way up to my grandmother's, this past weekend, I did some thinking on what makes me happy. Immediately, the first things that came to my mind were my family and friends. But I started thinking what are some key ways to stay happy. So I saw a blog were someone came up with 15 things that make them happy and I came up with my own list. I hope my list brings a smile to your face or makes you happy. :)

1. Appreciate Life.
It’s a gift to be alive right now. Make the most of it. Live the Life you Love. Love the Life you Live.

2. Stay Positive.
Keep the haters out of your life. You don’t need the drama and stress that haters bring to your life. Stay away from people who are always negative. Surround yourself with inspiring people who motivate you to be a better person every day.
3. Learn Something New Every Day.
Never stop learning. Never stop expanding your mind. What’s that old saying, “Knowledge is Power; Power is the key to Success.”
4. Give Compliments.
Being able to see the beauty in others, and letting them know means that you are confident with yourself.
5. Look for the Solution, Not the Problem.
Be a creative problem solver. There is always an answer.
6. Laugh!
Laughter is best medicine. Laughing makes you feel better!!
7. Enjoy the Moment. Stop and See How Far You've Come.
Take a break from going through the motions and actually take the time to realize and ENJOY what you’re doing. Embrace every experience you encounter because you can’t ever come back to it again.
8. Forgive. Stop holding Grudges.
Listen to the hit song from Disney’s Frozen soundtrack, “Let it Go” by Idina Menzel. Forgive others so that you can move on with your life. Holding on to the past is like holding onto old stuff. It has no value and it slows you down. Keep moving forward and being a better person.
9. Keep Your Promises.
Never break a promise (or a pinky promise). You’re word and you’re trust is the most valuable form of human currency.
10. Live Clean. Live Honestly.
Don’t lie. Stop being Fake. Never be shady about anything. Being truthful allows you to live a less complicated life.
11. Love Unconditionally.
Again, listen to Katy Perry’s hit song “Unconditionally”.  Give your whole heart. That is the only true way to love.
12. Spend Time with People You Love.
Believe in others. Believe in their Dreams. Have faith in them. It can be the difference between someone chasing their dreams or giving up on them. You can be the promoter of making their greatest goals happen.
Keep going. Embrace the Journey. You will get there. Breathe.
14. Exercise.
Apparently, working out releases endorphin's that chemically make you happy; Laura would be so proud. College Bio Study Buddy!! Yay!
15. Believe in Yourself.

You are capable and powerful enough to do anything you can set your mind to. It’s your life. You are in control because yes, you CAN turn your dreams into reality. If you need someone to believe in you, I believe in you. 

One more thing before you go, if you ever watch the Ellen D show, Ellen says something at the end of every show. "Be kind to one another." I honestly believe that sends a powerful message to everyone. So my message to the world is "ELE" which stands for Everyone Love Everyone. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hakuna Matata

Trying to stay positive on this Tuesday afternoon; keeping the negativity away from me. So everyone knows that I've been on a weight loss journey ever since I got engaged. My goal is to get down to a size 6 or 8 (my size my senior year of high school) by my wedding day.  However, I’m not going to be upset if I’m not that size. My ultimate goal is just to tone up all over and look great in my dress. That’s it. However, I’m finding that there are certain people who I just need to cut off from my world.

This morning my company bought donuts into the office. Not just one box of donuts but four boxes. Seriously Health Stream? I mean it is so tortuous. But I have my self-control. I did not eat a donuts, I had my special K protein shake and an apple this morning and that was it. But this is what has me all fired up. A coworker of mine came up to me and asked why I wasn't eating a donuts. I explained to him that I was on a diet because for my wedding. This person then decides to go off on me because my wedding is two years away from now and that one donuts is not going to kill me. If that’s not rude, they then start to bash the fact that my wedding is two years away and that they believe that my relationship with my fiancé is not going to last because “most people who are engaged for more than a year never follow through.”

As I sit there and listen to what he has to say, I’m thinking in my head “um why are you commenting on my relationship when you do not have a girlfriend or a fiancé, your 30 years old and still live at home with your mom and you don’t even pay her rent. She paid for your brand new Honda accord and makes the monthly payment for you because you can’t make them yourself. Maybe if you would stop spending all your money on damn Xbox 1 and all the video games, maybe I would have a little more respect for you as a person. However, I don’t. And I don’t give damn what you think either.  So do me a favor and never speak to me again, because you are a piece of shit.

To all my future brides out there do not let anyone tell you that your plans or ideas about your wedding, health or even your life affect you. There are always going to be haters out in the world and you just got to let the haters hate. In my situation, I understand why his person hates on me. 
1. I’m awesome 
2. I’m getting married 
3. I live with my mother for now; however, I’m in the process of getting a house of my own by the end of year. 
4. My pay all of my bills on time and do not let my mother pay for anything for me. I could honestly see the conversation with my mom in my head now. “Hey can you pay for my car payment this month? My mom would look at me and laugh in my face “yeah ok.” My mom taught me that if I wanted something I needed to work for it and I needed to be able to live within my means; and not live pay check to pay check. Learn to balance your money out! 
5. I live with mom and sisters but my family is better than yours. 
6. I have to best support system (family and friends) in the world.
7. I do not give a damn what you think.

It just amazes me how petty and low life some people can be. I honestly, hope that some people have the common sense to keep all of their opinions to themselves. Some people just do not want to hear what you have to say, so shut up. I'm only surrounding myself around people who have positive energy and who believe in me. People who encourage me to keep going for goals every day. People who join me by helping me choose better foods and different workouts to do so that I keep continue to reach my goal. All I'm going to say is "Hakuna Matata- it means no worries for the rest of our days." 

Photo Session With Alicia

This past weekend Matt and I went and had a photo shoot with, my old college roommate, Alicia. Alicia is starting up her photography career and needed us for some engagement shots. Matt and I had a great time on Saturday. We met Alicia at 1p.m. in downtown Annapolis to take some great pictures. The weather was absolutely perfect for us; the sun was shining, blue skies everywhere and a little windy. Alicia took the time to make us some props for the photo session as well. She made us a heart with the letter “H” in the middle of it with our wedding colors (wine: burgundy and mint green) and she also made us a sign with our wedding date on it.
Matt and I had a blast shooting pictures with Alicia. I know we were really entertaining for her because we were just laughing and being goof balls the entire time.  I know she had a great time working with us. Alicia was also able to get another contact while we were out. We are really excited and happy for her. We hope she is able to get her photography career off the ground. Below I have attached some of the pictures that Alicia has already sent to us. I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures once they are finished.

 If anyone wants Alicia’s contact information please let me know and I will shoot her a message for you :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Love Your Body

At some point in your life, everyone looks in the mirror and doesn't like the person that they see. We all have imperfections. Some of my imperfections is that when I was in the 3rd grade I was diagnosed with ADHD and I have been taking medication since. I have big legs from playing field hockey since middle school. My hair is always uneven. With curly hair you always have to stay on top of getting it cut or you end up with uneven hair lengths, like me. I have scaly dead skin on the bottom of my feet. I bite my finger nails whenever I get nervous about something. Finally, I have golf ball size fibroid sitting at the top of uterus. 

We all have imperfections and we just need to learn to accept what God gave us. He made us in his imagine and in his eyes we are perfect. God put Matt into my life because he knew that he was the perfect person for me. Matt loves every imperfection that I have and all of my flaws. I accept all of Matt's imperfections and flaws. We give each other confidence and balance in our lives to keep each other going every day. That confidence and balance in our lives is love. Love that we have for each other runs so deep between us that we know we will last forever.  

My message to anyone who has ever had low self-esteem, or insecure about anything in their life is "No one is perfect. Love your body. Embrace your imperfections. Accept your flaws. Because you are beautiful, strong and confident."

Keep Going

I've been working out every day (not every day I have a rest day or two) and I can say that I'm starting to see some progress. My jeans are getting loose around the waist line and they aren't super skin tight on me anymore, which is great. But I do have those days when I'm like do I really want to work out? And something gets me into my workout clothes, puts on my headphones and gets me out the door. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but whatever it is I like it. Yesterday, it was beautiful outside and a little windy. I literally walked for almost 2 hours. I just kept finding paths to go down and I finally made it back to my house. Since it was windy, I didn't realize how sweaty I was just from walking. 

Matt and I have our first 5k coming up in a few weeks and I know that I'm not going to be able to run the entire 5k my first time around. I'm going to try to push myself to run as much as I can. But I'm going to be happy with whatever I do. I'm doing this 5k to challenge myself. If I can run most of the 5k then I think it’s going to give me the motivation to truly start believing in myself and giving me the hope that I will eventually get back down to the size I want to be in 2 years for my big day. 

This morning I received a quote of the day and it really spoke to me. The quote is "I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'"-Muhammad Ali.

Even, when I feel like giving up and just throwing in the towel on dieting and working out, I guess somewhere inside of me is a champion fighting for me. Telling me to keep going; never give up and eventually you will get your goal. I'm making a promise to myself that I’m not quitting until my final fitting.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I can finally say that I'm addicted to Scandal. I've been trying to get into a TV series that was interesting and always kept me guessing on what was going to happen next. So my sisters suggested Scandal to me. This past Monday we got hit with about 10 inches of snow, and my office was closed for the day; so I watched one episode of Scandal and now I'm hooked. 

This TV series has politics, corruption, crime, lawyers, police, betrayal, love, lust, friendship and trusting your gut. Being a Criminal Justice major in college, this show is right up my ally. I love this show. I'm already on season two on Netflix. The addiction has gotten pretty bad. I watch the show while I'm on the elliptical at the gym, I stay up late to watch the show and come into work so tired from being up so late but I don't mind it. I'm hoping to start season 3 by late this week and early next week. I love this show. The cast of the show is amazing! Kerry Washington, Columbus Short, Darby Stanchfield, Katie Lowes, Gullermo Diaz, Tony Goldwyn and the rest of the cast is just AMAZING! 

I promise if your looking for a good show to get addicted too. This is that show. You will be hooked as soon as the first episode is over. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

40 Promises For Marriage

When Matt and I went down to South Carolina to visit one of our best friends, Anthony. We went to Hyman's Seafood Restaurant and Anthony got this card titled "40 Promises for Marriage" for us. I look at this card everyday because I think that it has some powerful messages that are such a good reminder to anyone who is engaged, married or having troubles in their marriage. The 40 Promises for Marriage are: 

  1. Start each day with a kiss
  2. Wear your wedding day at all times
  3. Date once a week
  4. Accept differences
  5. Be polite
  6. Give gifts
  7. Smile often
  8. Touch
  9. Give back rubs
  10. Laugh together
  11. Send a card for no reason
  12. Do what the other person wants before he or she asks
  13. Listen
  14. Encourage
  15. Know his or her needs
  16. Fix the other person's breakfast
  17. Compliment twice a day
  18. Call during the day
  19. Slow down
  20. Hold hands
  21. Cuddle
  22. Ask for other's opinion
  23. Show respect
  24. Look your best
  25. Celebrate birthdays in a big way
  26. Apologize 
  27. Forgive
  28. Set up a romantic getaway
  29. Be positive
  30. Be kind
  31. Be vulnerable 
  32. Respond quickly to the other person's request
  33. Reminisce about your favorite times together
  34. Treat each other's friends and relatives with courtesy
  35. Send flowers eve Valentine's Day and anniversary
  36. Admit when wrong
  37. Be sensitive to each other's sexual desires
  38. Pray for each other daily
  39. Say "I love you" frequently
  40. Seek outside help when needed. 
This is such a wonderful reminder on why we love our significant other. I am a lucky girl to have such a wonderful fiancé in my life. I hope everyone finds that special person in their lives and cherishes each day with them. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day

Since we got a few inches of snow last night, my work was closed and I was able to work from home for a few hours and catch up on some of my TV shows that I have missed last week, and to share some exciting news. 

First, I'm currently catching up with my TV shows. I just finished the Big Bang Theory and Two and Half Men, now I'm watching the Voice and I'm going to watch the Bachelor (I love this show because I can yell at all the girls who are so ratchet and out of control on the show.) But now on to the good news! So Friday, Matt and I went out for drinks with an old high school friend of ours, who introduced us. We had a falling out during college but I guess everyone wanted to make amends and move forward. She gave Matt and I one of the greatest engagement gifts that we could ask for. She gave us her father's DJ card and said that if we use him for our DJ at our wedding, that her family would pay for it. So it would be free for us. Which is a wonderful and thoughtful gift. We will definitely be looking into this. 

On Saturday, Matt and I went to check out a vendor that we were looking for our reception area. We went to Chartwell Golf and Country Club to look at the grounds and to meet our coordinator, Cati. After seeing the ballroom and some of the grounds, we were hooked. Matt and I looked at each other and we just knew that we had to book or at least try to get our name down on the date that we wanted. Cati was able to pencil us down for our date. We are penciled in for September 17, 2016. Which is super exciting!! I thought it was so funny because Matt was involved in the entire time and he was asking Cati if we could have the tables set up this way and if we could all this stuff. Matt should have been a wedding planner because he is just so involved right now. He keeps sending me table number ideas, save the dates, and wedding invitation ideas that we could use. We are both really exciting to get started on this wedding journey.

On Sunday morning, Matt and I went to get order his tux for his brother's wedding and while we are in there Matt found a gray tux that he fell in love with. I'm thinking Matt might buy that tux for our wedding. He is so funny. We then went to Arundel Mills Mall to walk around and check out some of the stores. We had fun just spending time together. Its always great to just be in each other's company. Then I sent my pastor a message on Facebook, so we could get some information on what we will need to do before booking our wedding at the church. I was surprised to know that the only thing we need to do is the premarital classes which can take between 5-6 weeks. I'm excited but I'm nervous at the same time because I don't know what to expect in these classes. Its kind of like trying to figuring out what to expect in your first college class. You just don't know what to expect. I wish there was an agenda that I could look at so I could prepare myself for these classes. Ahhhh!!!!!!! Excitment! Confusion! Stress!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Audio Book Addiction

I have a serious problem with listening to audio books while I'm at work. Since there is not rule against not being allowed to listen to music at work, I figured I would listen to some audio books. When I was younger, I hated reading. My mom could never get me to read to save my life. But I guess when you get older you discover things about yourself that you didn't know that you would enjoy. My first audio book series that I was addicted to was the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. The reason why I chose to read this series first was because one night Matt and I were looking for movies to rent and we came across City of Bones. I wanted to watch it so I told Matt we should check it out. Do you ever watch a movie that has so many loop holes throughout the movie and then at the very end of the movie your like, what just happened? Well that was me after we watched the City of Bones. I goggled the movie title and found out that it was a six-part book series. Which got me interested in finding more about what was going on to happen in the next part. 

       This a six book series that is about When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to Pandemonium, a club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder – much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons.Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of Nephilim warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons.  This is her first encounter with Jace Wayland, a Shadowhunter who looks a little like an angel and acts a lot like a jerk. Within twenty-four hours, Clary's mother disappears, Clary is attacked and almost killed by a demon, and is soon pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance.

But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did suddenly get the Sight? Secrets will be told.The books in order are Mortal Instruments City of Bones; City of Ashes, City of Glass; City of Fallen Angels; City of Lost Souls; City of Heavenly Fire.
My opinion of the books vs. the movie. The books were completely by far 110% better than the movie. I mean honestly, what they should do is just fire the production team and just start over. I mean seriously. They left out so many details from the book it really just made me angry. My coworker Rachel, can tell you that I would get to certain parts of the book and I would just rant about how they never showed this or that in the movie. It was a a hot mess. However, I have finished all 5 of the books and I'm currently waiting for the 6th book to come out in May. I'm pretty excited for it!

Moving on to my latest book addiction. I just finished listening to the first book of the Divergent series, by Veronica Roth. I was interested in these books because again, the movie is coming out in March and it has a great A-list cast, but also I'm really into series with a futuristic twist. The book summary for Divergent is as follows:In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can’t have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris, and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together, they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes-fascinating, sometimes-exasperating boy fits into the life she’s chosen. But Tris also has a secret: one she’s kept hidden from everyone, because she’s been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly-perfect society, she also learns that her secret might be what helps her save those she loves . . . or it might be what destroys her.

I just finished the first book today, which is titled Divergent, and I'm probably going to start the second book tomorrow, which is titled Insurgent, followed by Allegiant. I'm excited to get started on this new book series and hopefully its worth the read. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Missing My Twins

I can honestly say that I have the best little sisters in the world. They are always there when I need them for advice or when I'm acting completely insane. My sisters help balance me out whenever I get crazy. My sisters are my best friends and I would not change that for the world. Words cannot describe how happy I am knowing that they will gain a big brother (in-law) after Matt and I get married. I know that whenever they need him for something that they can always count on Matt to be there for them. My family is my world, and even though we are loud, crazy and out of control sometimes. I wouldn't trade them for anything. Missing Aut and Ash tonight. 

Our Adventure

How We Met

We never would have met had it not been for a mutual friend, Kimmy Rentuma.
Ali and Kimmy were good friends since high school where they both were active in sports. Ali played field hockey and Kimmy was on the Volleyball team. Matt and Kimmy knew each other from the local bowling alley, where Matt and Kimmy both bowled at.  A few months after, Kimmy, Matt & Ali graduated from high school in 2008; Kimmy planned a day trip to Kings Dominion Adventure Park.  

On August 5, 2008 Kimmy, Bobby (Kimmy’s boyfriend), Matt and Ali all met at Kimmy’s house to get ready for a fun day at Kings Dominion. Ali and Matt were “riding buddies” for the day. The drive up was very silent because it was 8 in the morning and everyone was still tired from the night before. Once we arrived at the park, Ali and Matt were inseparable. They talked for hours and hours just getting to know each other. It was a great day, plus at the time Ali and Matt were both single so that was a plus as well.
At the end of the night Matt bought Ali a pair of light-up sunglasses which Ali still has till this day. A token of their first day together; after the park, Matt and Ali exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch.  Two days later, it was Ali’s 18th birthday as she was celebrating with family and friends; she received a text message from Matt, wishing her a Happy 18th Birthday. This text message was extremely special to Ali because she didn’t think Matt would remember her birthday. 

For a few months, Ali and Matt continued to talk through texts messages and MySpace. When fall semester started at Anne Arundel Community College in August, Ali was surprised to see that Matt was in the same English class after her. So after class, Ali and Matt would be able to see each other and talk for a bit before heading to the next class. On October 31, 2008 Matt and Ali had their first official date. They went to Muvico Egyptian 24 Theatre, and saw the Haunting of Molly Hartley.

After that first official date, Matt and Ali have been together ever since. They will celebrate their 6th years together on August 5, 2014 J