Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Earlier today, I was on Facebook and I saw that Laura of The Life We've Imagined, nominated me for a Liebster Award. I am really touched that Laura nominated me for this award because I haven't been blogging for a while and have been in the dark in the blogging world. I really appreciate the nomination from the sweetest person I know. So let's get to the questions: 

1. If you had to choose one blogger out there who has really inspired you, who would it be?

I think the one blogger that inspired me to join the blogging world would be, Laura. I remember sitting at work with nothing to do and I would get on Facebook and see Laura posted something on her blog and I would read it and comment on it all the time. I decided to get blog when I was coming back from South Carolina and was talking to my fiancĂ© and he really pushed me to join blogging. Blogging to me is helping me with my stress; by writing my thoughts and emotions down and getting them off my chest I’m able to let go of my stress.

2. Do you have a favorite place to visit in the summer time?
My favorite place to visit in the summer time is probably my aunt Sharon and uncle butch’s house in Bel Air. It’s so nice to just relax up there by the pool with a drink in my hand and grilled veggies on my plate. Matt and I both really enjoy hanging out with family.

3. Have you ever lived in a different country? If not, where would you move if you could?
I haven’t lived in a different country, but I have traveled to several countries before. I’ve been to Spain, England and South Africa. Out of all the countries I have visited I would say that if I could move to one of these countries it would probably be South Africa. I loved it there.  People they’re super friendly and always want to learn about our culture, while I’m trying to learn their culture. I would love to learn one of their twenty-seven different languages.

4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Well very girl wants to grow up to be a princess, so of course, I definitely wanted to be a princess. Life would be great. Honestly, I don’t know what I still want to be when I grow up, and I’m almost 24. But if I could get the job of my dreams it would be social worker specializing in helping children of domestic violence/abuse.

5. Has blogging turned out to be all that you expected? What are your favorite and not so favorite things about it?

For me blogging is has been great, for the times that I've actually kept up with it. But I feel that blogging is definitely a way for me to relieve stress and to get thoughts/ideas off of my mind and just to put it out there and not be judged. It’s kind of like a private diary, only online. My favorite thing about blogging is reading other bloggers thoughts and ideas. My not so favorite thing about blogging would be trying to keep up with it. I need a notification or a reminder to blog daily.

6. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
Keep your head up. Everything works out in the end. Don’t lose faith. Keep working hard and the rewards will be endless.

7. What's the story behind your blog name?
My blogger name is “Journey of Our Love” and this blog is about my fiancĂ© and I and our journey.  A journey is a winding road and we both are committed to each other on this road. The journey starts from the day we met till the day we will say “I Do”, and wherever life takes us. We are both very excited to start this journey together.

8. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have one cat, Mittens. But my sister Autumn has one cat that lives with us, Squeakers and another cat that she takes with her back to school, Jack. Mittens and Squeakers were litter mates and we found them they were only a few days old. I still remember when we first found them. Mittens was half of pound and squeakers was 1 pound. They were so cute!

9. What is your favorite type of post to write and why?
I really enjoy writing about motivational things that help me to keep going each day. If I see a quote or a picture on tumbler or on Pinterest that I think has meaning behind it I will take a picture of it and just reflect on it. I love seeing the responses from my blog followers and all the positive comments about my post.

10. If you had a super power what would that be?
My super power would probably be the power to flight. I think that would be awesome to just wake up in the morning and fly to Tropical Island for the day or going hiking in the mountains. I think it would be fun. Plus you save a ton on gas, which helps the earth.

11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Well 5 years from now I will be 29 and I see myself married to my best friend and travelling the world. I hope to have a better job by then and living in our “dream house”. Maybe talking about starting a family at the end of the year or something. I definitely do not want to rush into starting a family because you never know what life will throw at you and you don’t want to start taking on more responsibilities than you already have. Probably get a pet (if it’s in the budget), and just enjoy married life. 

My nominees: 

1. Alicia, The Finding Years
2. Laura, The Life We've Imagined

Their questions:

  1. If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?
  2. What are three words you would use to describe the last three months of your life?
  3. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
  4. Who do you admire and why?
  5. If happiness were a currency, how rich do you think you are?
  6. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
  7. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?  

1 comment:

  1. You're awesome girl! :) And since I just did one - here are my answers:

    1. I would probably tell everyone how important it is to be present in the moment and to enjoy the time we have with those we love.
    2. Hectic, adventurous, and happy.
    3. Abso-freaking-lutely.
    4. I admire you! For sticking with your blog and toughing out all the craziness of these last few months!
    5. Pretty damn rich :)
    6. That is a REALLY awesome question. And sadly, not long. It's amazing how critical we can be of ourselves. What a great reminder.
    7. I would regret not exploring the world. There is so much to see and I hope that I continue to be adventurous as long as I live.

    Love ya! :)
