Monday, April 21, 2014

Be Happy.

On my way up to my grandmother's, this past weekend, I did some thinking on what makes me happy. Immediately, the first things that came to my mind were my family and friends. But I started thinking what are some key ways to stay happy. So I saw a blog were someone came up with 15 things that make them happy and I came up with my own list. I hope my list brings a smile to your face or makes you happy. :)

1. Appreciate Life.
It’s a gift to be alive right now. Make the most of it. Live the Life you Love. Love the Life you Live.

2. Stay Positive.
Keep the haters out of your life. You don’t need the drama and stress that haters bring to your life. Stay away from people who are always negative. Surround yourself with inspiring people who motivate you to be a better person every day.
3. Learn Something New Every Day.
Never stop learning. Never stop expanding your mind. What’s that old saying, “Knowledge is Power; Power is the key to Success.”
4. Give Compliments.
Being able to see the beauty in others, and letting them know means that you are confident with yourself.
5. Look for the Solution, Not the Problem.
Be a creative problem solver. There is always an answer.
6. Laugh!
Laughter is best medicine. Laughing makes you feel better!!
7. Enjoy the Moment. Stop and See How Far You've Come.
Take a break from going through the motions and actually take the time to realize and ENJOY what you’re doing. Embrace every experience you encounter because you can’t ever come back to it again.
8. Forgive. Stop holding Grudges.
Listen to the hit song from Disney’s Frozen soundtrack, “Let it Go” by Idina Menzel. Forgive others so that you can move on with your life. Holding on to the past is like holding onto old stuff. It has no value and it slows you down. Keep moving forward and being a better person.
9. Keep Your Promises.
Never break a promise (or a pinky promise). You’re word and you’re trust is the most valuable form of human currency.
10. Live Clean. Live Honestly.
Don’t lie. Stop being Fake. Never be shady about anything. Being truthful allows you to live a less complicated life.
11. Love Unconditionally.
Again, listen to Katy Perry’s hit song “Unconditionally”.  Give your whole heart. That is the only true way to love.
12. Spend Time with People You Love.
Believe in others. Believe in their Dreams. Have faith in them. It can be the difference between someone chasing their dreams or giving up on them. You can be the promoter of making their greatest goals happen.
Keep going. Embrace the Journey. You will get there. Breathe.
14. Exercise.
Apparently, working out releases endorphin's that chemically make you happy; Laura would be so proud. College Bio Study Buddy!! Yay!
15. Believe in Yourself.

You are capable and powerful enough to do anything you can set your mind to. It’s your life. You are in control because yes, you CAN turn your dreams into reality. If you need someone to believe in you, I believe in you. 

One more thing before you go, if you ever watch the Ellen D show, Ellen says something at the end of every show. "Be kind to one another." I honestly believe that sends a powerful message to everyone. So my message to the world is "ELE" which stands for Everyone Love Everyone. 

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